Nourishing Your Pregnancy

Foods to support each trimester

This month I’ve written a guest post on Kim Forrester Photography’s Blog on foods to support each trimester.

Pregnancy can be an exciting time but it can also be overwhelming. Your body is changing. You may be feeling exhausted or nauseous. You’re growing a human, and suddenly, it can seem like there are so many decisions that are demanding attention: midwife or OB, gender reveal or surprise, choosing names, birth plans, baby registries, the list goes on and on. A simple google search can yield conflicting opinions on almost any subject. Although these decisions are important ones, something that can sometimes be forgotten is how important nutrition can be in supporting a healthy pregnancy and birth. That’s why it’s important to focus some of that energy into fuelling your body with the nutrient dense foods it needs will give your baby the best start possible. This will also prep your own body for the nutrients needed for postpartum recovery.

Read the full article here.


Bloom Bundle Menu for March 22


Bloom Bundle Menu for March 15